Thursday, May 14, 2020

Exp 2: Week 4 Studio Activities (Submission of SketchUp and Lumion Files)

Final SketchUp Model:

First floor


If this fails, try 3D Warehouse Link:


Real-Time Images Rendered (LUMION):

Foreground: Computer lab
6 studio rooms, each holding 10 students
Back: Library
The shape of the building encompasses a common space (in this case, the library) which branches out into private rooms. The space being patterned in alternations between wall and glass gives the feel of blinds without actual blinds, so it does to become overly bright. The space is structural and only contains one circulatory path making it easier to move around. Also visible is the Voronoi bridge leading to the main most visited building, the squarehouse.

Top: Library
Bottom: Lecture A and Lecture B
The public spaces are quite large and open enabling for a freer mood, as compared to studios which are much more private and closed off.

From top to bottom: 
- Computer lab
- 6 studios, each holding 10 students
- Lift in hallway
- Library with moving element which leads to two private rooms which are used as meeting rooms

View from library, moving element expanded. Looking out to hall, with visible studio in left.
Spacious library; note patterns of the window. 

Groud floor, looking from entrance down hall.
On the ground floor are 4 studios, each holding 10 students. 6 on the top, 4 on the bottom gives space for the 100 students. As noted, the studios are private and closed off minimalising noise and distraction.

The model relates to the theory in the sense that there are two, main hubs which branch off into multiple smaller rooms. On the ground floor, there are two lecture theatres, open for all, split into 50-50 seating capacity. On the first floor, an open library can also be split. The result is an almost symmetrical floor, but each floor holds different qualities/attributes. Fluidity is evident through the shape, each room/section eliciting a new mood creates a multimodal, cohesive path.


(Must download, hopefully, it redirects to a downloadable may have to log in with UNSW email/pass)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Exp 2: Week 3 Studio Activities

36 Custom Textures --
Linear                                         Rotational

Scalar                                          Fluid

Softened                               Oscillation


Moving Elements/Textures Applied:
For the library.
The moving element has multiple purposes, first off acting as a dividing wall which splits the library into two, creating two potential meeting rooms for staff or students. The front 'doors' act as doors to the library, creating privacy, but also a floor to ceiling writing/whiteboard to eject ideas. This is all hidden away for convenience. The texture added suggests vision to travel in the direction of the 'rays' - towards the whiteboard.

For the first floor hall.
(This is NOT a moving element) The marble texture represents tiles, creating a more modern feel to the space, compared to the carpet on the lower floors. The gradient of the marble lines is the 'path' which leads to the adjacent studio rooms, and out.

Lift from ground to first floor.
Chosen texture seems like linear lines, but wrapped around tube lift gives it a motion effect. It suggests being elevated to several levels from the stacked, textured lines.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Exp 2: Week 2 Studio Activities

Precedent Planning

Chosen precedent: Riverside Museum (Zaha Hadid)

The precedent aligns well with my theory, which stresses fluidity. 

Plan draft

Basic plan

Monday, April 6, 2020

Experiment 2: Week 1 Studio Activities


Five words:
- Fluid
- Terminal
- Leaking
- Multimodal
- Circulation

"Through the formation of a public terminal - a central hub leaking out into connecting multimodal routes, there is cohesive circulation generating a dynamic experience"

From: Estonia Architecture News. "Zaha Hadid Architects And Esplan Design Tallinn's New Rail Terminal With Fluid Public Bridge." World Architecture. Last modified November 11, 2019.

Sketch Perspectives

Original (without massing elements)
Clockwise, left to right: 
1. Eye-level view
2. Below
3. Above
The cross features 4 arms which span off to different locations. The left-wing leads to UNSW fitness/aquatic centre, the back wing leads to the international house, the right leads to the roundhouse, and the front leads to the squarehouse. As noted, the building will swoop high into the air, with descending paths leading to the upper floors of their respective destinations.

Massing Elements Added: 1

Massing Elements Added: 2

Massing Elements Added: 3

Added Mass Elements to SketchUp
Added mass elements; note arches, overhead bridge to NIDA, top will become a moving element


Detail, roof


Rendered Images 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Experiment 2: Introductory Task - Initial Circulation Cross

The focus was on circulation, rather than the physical attribute to the building itself. I made sure to connect important surrounding buildings; these being the squarehouse for the main building for architecture studying, the roundhouse for leisure, the international house and gym/fitness centres, and an overhead bridge to NIDA on Anzac Pde.

The overall shape of the building will swoop high into the air, with one main hub/lobby style room which will branch off into several different rooms/paths. The cross is quite simplistic as I don't want to go into any complex, definite details yet.

Front, angled view from UNSW main walkway

Front, view from Law building roof

Back, view from roof off ANZAC Pde


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Final Submission - Perspective Images

Section Cuts:

1. Section Cut of Showroom; with custom textures. Above ground - Mountain and Moon triple split staircase leading to three different rooms.

2. Section Cut of Overview; with custom textures. Entire model shown; note elevator in bottom foreground which carries The Kyza's cars to the showroom.

 3. Section Cut of The Kyza's stair. Note drill piece with stairs revolving around it, leading to ground datum floor.

4. Section Cut showing an overall view of stairs. See drill piece staircase going to ground floor, Mountain and Moon staircase going to above ground.

Perspective Images:

1. Ground floor showroom looking up to finishing room of Mountain and Moon's studio. Right-wing of triple split staircase shown.

2. Overview perspective image of model.

3. Perspective view looking down to The Kyza's studio through stair.