Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Exp 2: Week 3 Studio Activities

36 Custom Textures --
Linear                                         Rotational

Scalar                                          Fluid

Softened                               Oscillation


Moving Elements/Textures Applied:
For the library.
The moving element has multiple purposes, first off acting as a dividing wall which splits the library into two, creating two potential meeting rooms for staff or students. The front 'doors' act as doors to the library, creating privacy, but also a floor to ceiling writing/whiteboard to eject ideas. This is all hidden away for convenience. The texture added suggests vision to travel in the direction of the 'rays' - towards the whiteboard.

For the first floor hall.
(This is NOT a moving element) The marble texture represents tiles, creating a more modern feel to the space, compared to the carpet on the lower floors. The gradient of the marble lines is the 'path' which leads to the adjacent studio rooms, and out.

Lift from ground to first floor.
Chosen texture seems like linear lines, but wrapped around tube lift gives it a motion effect. It suggests being elevated to several levels from the stacked, textured lines.

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